Cradle Grants

Top 5 Corporate Accelerator startups would be receiving valuable inputs from the judging and mentoring assistance that Cradle may provide during the Corporate Accelerator program, which enables these startups to submit better funding application that has more merits for Cradle funding consideration.


CIP IGNITE is a funding programme that provides a conditional grant and value added assistance of up to RM 500,00 for technology start-ups, local SMEs or spin-off companies from universities and research institutes.

  • CIP IGNITE (i) is designed specifically for deep tech companies at Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 5 to 7
  • CIP IGNITE (ii) is designed specifically for non - deep tech companies at Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 8 to 9. Any company that would like to apply for CIP IGNITE (ii) MUST have market validated product via paying customer.

CIP Accelerate

CIP ACCELERATE is a funding programme that provides a conditional grant and value added assistance of up to RM 2, 000,000 for technology start-ups, local SMEs or spin-off companies from universities and research institutes.

  • CIP ACCELERATE assists early stage deep tech companies at Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 8 and above
  • For commercialisation of proven system and technology
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